Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The impact of technology in education and my expectations on the course

The impact of technology in education and my expectations on the course

Hello everyone!😃This is my first blog and today I'm going to be talking about technology and its impact on education as well as my expectations on the course I'm currently following, which is: "Technology in EFL".

The impact of technology in education

Technology has become an inevitable part of our lives and it has certainly changed and impacted almost every aspect of our life today, but what about  education? Has technology changed education and the way teachers around the world teach in their classrooms? And if so, how much?

Firstly, we can say that in many ways, technology has profoundly changed education. For one, technology has greatly expanded access to education. In medieval times, books were rare and only an elite few had access to educational opportunities. Individuals had to travel to centers of learning to get an education. 

Today, massive amounts of information (books, audio, images, videos) are available at one’s fingertips through the Internet, and access to learning opportunities today is unprecedented in scope thanks to technology. Furthermore, the development of  technology also has offered an interesting pattern to exploring new teaching ways. So, now, a teacher has several possibilities how to teach a subject. Thus, making it a lot more easier for pupils / students to  understand them. 
As a result, the importance of technology in education cannot be stressed enough. The introduction of technology in the educational field has made the process of learning and knowledge-sharing, a more interactive and pleasurable experience.
However, in some other ways, education seems much the same as it has been for many years in regards to the teaching process, especially in Albania. As much as I don't want to admit it, although the education system in Albania has improved and changed a lot throughout the years, it still lacks many things. In particular, the use of technology in the classroom, which I think it's extremely important nowadays, as we now live in the time/area of technology and we should all try to adapt and integrate technology in the classroom as much as possible in order to facilitate the teaching and learning process for both teachers and students.

As the Chinse Proverb says: “Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.” 

As such, we must teach our students in the time/area that they were born.  That is, today, in the area of technology.    

My expectations on the course

At first, when our professor presented us with the subject, I felt a bit puzzled, because this is a new subject for me and I'm not very good with technology, knowing only the basic stuff that I've been taught previously throughout my school years. But, on the other hand, I also felt very excited as technology has always been a subject that I've wanted to study more in depth and put it into practice in my own classroom one day, and finally, at least partially, that wish has come true.

My expectations for this course are: "To improve my tech skills and be more comfortable working with technology, as well as finding new effective and applicable ways / methods / techniques to integrate technology or blended learning in the classroom."  As, implementing technology into the curriculum provides instructors with an invaluable opportunity to enhance student engagement and academic success. Also, I believe that with time the education system and workforce will evolve to become more technology inclusive, so, it is important for me as a future educator to keep up with modern digital trends and stay updated with the latest news about technology and education. 

All in all, as David Warlick said: “We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.”; so, I hope that I can learn as much as possible throughout this course about it.

1 comment:

  1. HI Daniela ,I like that your writing has a chronology and that you are focused only on technology in education and not on technology in general


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